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S.Casciano V.P.                 FIRENZE-ITALY             S.Casciano V.P.    



Surface: Kmq 107,96

Distance from Firenze:   km.16

Distance from Siena :    km.50

Population:   16.310

 The village is located on the crest of the hills that separate the Greve and Pesa valleys, in a large territory, encircled by olive trees, vines and pine-woods. This area was abitaded since of Roman age as many place names attest; one of these is Cassiano, saint of the original village located in Decimo and so called for the milestone placed at the 10th mile of the Roman road that connected Florence and Siena. San Casciano village, subjet before at the Florentine bishops and after at the Florentine Repubblic, subsequently developed not to far from the original area. The Florentine people fortified it with a circuit of walls in the 1356 and Cosimo I° fortified it again in the 1500. The countryside was rich and populated since the middle age too: there were numerous feuds both of the Florentine bishops and of important families like the Buondelmonti. The fortified installations modified in country seats and in "Lord's Houses", and an agricultural economy founded on the farm system developted in this area; so that a tie between San Casciano and Florence initiated and developted in subsequent ages. An "architectonic landscape"  so rich of country seats and farm house is the testimony of th is age and express, since the first sight                                  the singof the typical Tuscany atmosphere.                                    

by eviviani@

 San Casciano Val di Pesa